ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ Rabiza Ekel ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ
: / bstest.wagas.com.cn
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/* here you can put your own css to customize and override the theme */ body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6 { font-family: "Roboto Condensed","Microsoft YaHei",Arial,sans-serif !important; } /* */ .c-layout-header .c-brand .c-desktop-logo { margin-top: -15px; margin-bottom: -15px; } .c-page-on-scroll.c-layout-header-fixed .c-layout-header .c-brand .c-desktop-logo-inverse { margin-top: -13px; margin-bottom: -11px; } .c-layout-header .c-brand .c-mobile-logo { margin-top: -6px; margin-bottom: -10px; } .c-theme-nav li.c-active { color: #000 !important; } .c-theme-nav li.c-active > a:not(.btn) { color: #000 !important; } .c-layout-header.c-layout-header-4 .c-navbar .c-mega-menu > .nav.navbar-nav > li > .c-btn-icon, .c-layout-header.c-layout-header-4 .c-navbar .c-mega-menu > .nav.navbar-nav > li > .c-link { color: #999999; } .c-layout-header.c-layout-header-4 .c-navbar .c-mega-menu > .nav.navbar-nav > li:focus > a:not(.btn), .c-layout-header.c-layout-header-4 .c-navbar .c-mega-menu > .nav.navbar-nav > li:active > a:not(.btn), .c-layout-header.c-layout-header-4 .c-navbar .c-mega-menu > .nav.navbar-nav > li:hover > a:not(.btn) { color: #999999; 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opacity: 0.4; } @media(max-width:450px) and (min-width: 360px){ .owl-carousel2 .item{ padding:0px; } } @media(max-width:360px) and (min-width: 280px){ .owl-carousel2 .item{ padding:0px; } } /* Team */ .team-figure{ position: relative; text-align: center; padding: 0px;} figcaption h2{color:white;} figcaption p{color:white;font-size: 14px;padding:0px 20px;opacity:0;} .team-figure::before{ content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; z-index: 1; top: 0;background:#000; height: 100%; width: 100%;opacity:0;} .team-figure.opacity82::before{opacity:0;} .team-figure:hover::before{ height: 100%;opacity: 0.8;background: #000;} .employee-detail{ position: absolute; top: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; left: 0;z-index: 2;} .employee-desination{padding-top:35%;} .team-figure:hover .employee-desination{ opacity: 1;padding-top: 20%;} .team-figure:hover .employee-desination .item-line{opacity: 0 !important;} .item-img, .item-img-hover{position: absolute;left: 0;right: 0;top: 0;} .item-img-hover{opacity: 0;} .team-figure:hover .item-img-hover{opacity: 1;} .team-figure:hover figcaption p{opacity: 1;} .team-figure:hover figcaption{margin-top:-10px;} .employee-desination, .employee-desination .item-line, .item-img-hover,.item-img, figcaption, figcaption p, .team-figure::before{ transition: all .4s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1); } .owl-carousel .owl-controls{margin-top: 0px}
ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ Rabiza Ekel ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ